Portfolio, Final Blog
Portfolio 4/25/2024 - Luke Bettano The pages below make up my portfolio for my 10 projects that I felt best represented my experience in FMX this semester. This was my last project and will be my last blog post. My portfolio served as a way to represent my best works, and was made using Adobe InDesign. The color palettes was analogous, and made using light blue and dark blue, with white as an important color too. The pages were white because that best complimented the work, and blue is my favorite color, and matched some of my works. I used Futura for the headings, gotu for the body, and minions pro for the page numbers. I made a cover and a back page. I started with stable of contents, and about me section, where I introduced myself and my work. I had one project on each page, except the logo and tag brush were on one page. I used light blue for the headings and page numbers, and dark blue for the body text. I believe they blended together nicely. All of...